Colour Printed Plaques


Colour Printed Metal Plaques


Photo Printed Metal Plaques

We can print in colour text and photo / logo onto plaques A4, A5, A6, in size and in full colour on to a metal plate, fixed on a MDF board giving a plaque for life to appreciate, this is a unique way of presenting plaques for personal and special events.

Cost starts £45.00 (9"x7"  / 23x18cm),   £55.00 (10"x8 / 25x20cm")    £70.00 (13"x10.5"  / 33x27cm)

Send your text with Photo / Logo, we then send a full colour PDF for you to proofread, once proof has been approved, we can then complete within 24 hours

Colour Printed Plaques


£29.16 exc VAT
(£34.99 inc VAT)


£29.16 exc VAT
(£34.99 inc VAT)


£37.50 exc VAT
(£45.00 inc VAT)


£37.50 exc VAT
(£45.00 inc VAT)